Translated by: Elias shaanin
Bou Elias! My uncle, we lost you
You’re a fountain of love and compassion
What a great loss …
Oh Boulos Beayni, my heart is aching
My tears are scarce, although it’s plentiful.
Your passing added a great deal to my qualms.
You’re my last uncle to depart in alienation
Greet my father, and tell my mum,
We’re orphaned now.
The great father for us all, has departed,
And the cedar trees on the mount of Lebanon,
Shed plentiful of tears.
They said: you lived and aged, and why do we cry?
Yet, in our eyes,
You’re the guard of the guards.
Bou Elias ninety they said!
It is so little, by all almighty God!
Ninety for your loving heart,
Truly, it is not good enough
My cousins are bowing their heads in grief
And the Beayni family is shrouded with sorrow
And the Beayni family is shrouded with sorrow
Loved by all everywhere, young and old
They all swear by your name.
You’re like an ever-lit candle in a Mass
Like an icon that needed no incense
Like a lit lantern in the Abbey of Mar Elias
ADRA, Your neighbouring church, longs for lightings
Today, in Mejdlaya, they tolled the church bell
And sorrows engulfed every soul, everywhere.
How could I say good-bye?
To an uncle that should never die.
You were the beacon that lit our lives,
And the voice that guided us.
For ever, your love will linger in our hearts.
As we’ve lost you,
We certainly envy the coffin that embraced you.
We shall remember you everyday
And every time we hear your name.
For you, dear uncle, we shall all pray.
"Uncle that was so beautiful. Tears are running down my eyes. Uncle Paul will be truly missed. He reminded me so much of Shiddy Paul. God rest their souls. "